Английско-немско-френско-руски технически речник по хроматография с около 3 000 термина.
Автор: | Collectif |
Издателство: | Pergamon Press |
Език: | Руски | Немски | Френски | Английски | Многоезична |
Раздел: | Речници |
Редактор: | H.-P. Angelé |
Година: | 1970 |
Страници: | 119 |
Корица: | Твърда с обложка, голям формат |
Размери (мм): | 170 х 245 х 11 |
Тегло (грама): | 395 |
Етикет: | Технически речници | Многоезични речници |
Забележка: неизползвана, отчислена от библиотека книга с отлично книжно тяло и корица - захабена обложка.
От вътрешната страна на обложката:
The rapid development of the techniques of analysis by chromatography during the past two decades has given rise to a greatly increasing flow of international information in many technical journals and book publications in a number of languages. As in other branches of science and technology, a special terminology has been developed in the field of chromatography, and linguistic problems make it extremely difficult for the interested expert to translate and interpret reports on the work and progress in this new science, when presented in a foreign language.
To help overcome this obstacle to international communication, this multilingual dictionary of chromatography serves as an essential supplement to the technical dictionaries and reference works already in existence. It contains some 3,000 specialist terms in English, German, French and Russian. The compilation of specialist terms was not entirely limited to the theory and application of chromatography, but also included a very useful selection of technical terms from closely related fields. To bring this new dictionary as up-to-date as possible, great care has been taken to include the latest suggestions for the creation of new terms by the IUPAC Working Group on Chromatography Nomenclatures.
The rapid development of the techniques of analysis by chromatography during the past two decades has given rise to a greatly increasing flow of international information in many technical journals and book publications in a number of languages. As in other branches of science and technology, a special terminology has been developed in the field of chromatography, and linguistic problems make it extremely difficult for the interested expert to translate and interpret reports on the work and progress in this new science when presented in a foreign language.
To help overcome this obstacle to international communication, we present this multilingual dictionary of Chromatography to serve as an essential supplement to the technical dictionaries and reference works already existing. The compilation of specialist terms was not entirely limited to the theory and application of chromatography, but included also a very useful selection of technical terms from closely related fields.
The sources for the compilation of these specialist terms were international technical standard works in many languages, monographs and relevant journals and also publicity brochures and catalogues of industries which contributed the terms used for equipment and apparatus in chromatography. To bring this new dictionary as up to date as possible, we have also taken care to include the latest suggestions for the creation of new terms by the IUPAC Working Group on Chromatography Nomenclature.
The rapid advance in scientific research and the continuous addition of new specialist terms will eventually result in some shortcomings in this first edition. The author and the publisher will be grateful to receive critical comments and suggestions for improvements in a subsequent edition.
I wish to express my gratitude to all colleagues who contributed by discussion and critical comments to the clarification of many difficult terms, particularly to Dr. O. Serf as and Dr. H. G. Struppe, Leipzig; B. A. Rudenko, Moscow; and to my wife, Dipl. Chem. Eva Angele, for her great help in editing the work. My sincere thanks are due also to the editorial staff of the dictionary section of VEB Verlag Technik for their most helpful co-operation.
Dr. H.-P. Angele
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EUR/BGN - 0.51 (1 EUR = 1.95583 BGN)
Цените влизат в сила от 01.12.2024 г.
Тегло (грама) Weight (gram)
Съседни държави Neighboring countries |
Европа All other European countries |
Извън Европа Outside European countries
151 - 250 |
12.10 |
13.60 |
15.20 |
251 - 350 |
14.05 |
15.65 |
16.90 |
351 - 500 |
15.60 |
18.15 |
20.60 |
501 - 1000 |
20.90 |
26.05 |
29.60 |
1001 - 2000 |
30.10 |
38.60 |
41.60 |
2001 - 3000 |
38.10 |
48.10 |
51.60 |
3001 - 4000 |
46.40 |
58.60 |
63.60 |
4001 - 5000 |
54.60 |
63.60 |
74.60 |